3 Girls, The Sweetest Car and a Foggy Little Town

 We left this morning with a huge coffee supply (spilled) that should have woken us up on the way there.
Very cold, and foggy, a weird atmosphere, similar to "The Mist" movie as Alexandra said.
Actually the traffic wasn't that bad, we got there safe and sound . Tiny GPS problems and door opening issues, right Andreea?:P but it was quite a nice day. 
We laughted, we made fun, ate some creepy pasta and took these pictures  when the sun came out. I bet he smiled at us:D

 We had a lovely view on the way back, you can see in the picture below, and also my new nail colors
Do you like them?

Am plecat azi dimineata cu o tona de cafea(varsata) dupa noi care ar fi trebuit sa ne  trezeasca pe drum.
A fost foarte frig, si ceata, o atmosfera ciudata , similar cu cea din filmul "The Mist' dupa cum spunea Alexandra.
Pana la urma s-a circulat destul de bine, si am ajuns in timp util si in siguranta la destinatie.
Mici probleme cu GPS-ul si cu deschidere usii, asa-i Andreea?:P Dar a fost o zi minunata.
Am ras, ne-am distrat si am mancat niste paste destul de ciudate, dupa care am facut si aceste fotografii exact cand a iesit putin soarele. Sigur ne-a zambit noua :D
La intoarcere am avut parte de un peisaj deosebit, capturat intr-o fotografie mai jos.
Si noile mele culori de pe unghii.
Voua va plac?