Exotic Salad

 This is the kind of salad that boosts up your energy level, keeps you healthy but also excites your senses with a sweet, sour, spicy mix of flavours.
Very easy to make, it just takes a few minutes. Perfect for a breakfast or light dinner.
So here is what you need:
Lettuce, rucola, tomatoes,mango, cheese, sprouted mixed seeds, pine nuts , oriental spices and basil, pepper, salt, olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
Cut the tomatoes, mango and cheese in bite size bits. Also, tare the lettuce in smaller bits too, add a handfull of rucola, sprouted seeds and pine nuts.Add salt, pepepr, oriental spice to your taste. A spoon of balsamic vinegar and 3 of olive oil.
Mix them up and you have a lovely salad! Enjoy :D

Aceasta salata poate fi considerata o combinatie energizanta, care te mentine sanatos si iti gadila simturile cu un mix de dulce, acru si condimentat.
Foarte usor de facut, dureaza doar cateva minute. Perfecta ca si mic dejun sau o cina usoara.
Ce aveti nevoie:
Salata, rucola, rosii, mango, branza, seminte incoltite, seminte de pin, condiment oriental, busuioc, piper,sare, ulei de masline, otet balsamic.
Taie rosiile, mango si branza in cubulete, iar salata rupe-o in bucati mai mici. Adauga o mana de rucola, semintele incoltite, semintele de pin. Adauga sare, piper,si condiment oriental dupa gust. O lingur de otet balsamic si 3 linguri de ulei de masline.
Amestecati ingredientele si salata e gata.
Pofta buna!