Knitwear from NEXT

These are some of the best items you can invest in.. A knitted short sleeve blouse can be worn almost all year around. 
In spring with jeans, a skirt and boots, you can even take it with you in summer, just in case the evening  would be breezy. In autumn with a fancy vest over it and during cold winter days, wear it under a thick coat.
Layering , mixing and matching have endless posibilities, so I must say it is an  item you definetly should have.
act now while the sales are in. You might just find the perfect knit for half the price!
I got my favorite, Which is yours?

Tricotajele sunt printre cele mai versatile obiecte vestimentare in care merita sa investesti.
O bluza tricotata , cu maneca scurta te poate salva in multe situatii pe tot parcursul anului.
Primavara asortata la blugi sau o fusta si cizme, Vara o poti lua cu tine , in cazul in care seara va fi mai frig. Toamna purtata cu o vesta interesanta peste, iarna sub un palton calduros. Sunt posibilitati interminabile pentru a asorta tricotajele, astfel eu le consider ca fiind piese cheie in garderoba oricui. 
De ce sa nu actionezi aucm cat timp sunt reduceri? Poate iti gasesti puloverul perfect chiar la jumatate de pret.
Eu mi-am gasit favoritul.
Tu nu?

1. Denim jacket 2. Tunic 3. Leggings 4. Western boots
Parka 5. Crochet sweater 6. Skinny jeans 7. Ankle boots
8. Waxed jacket 9. Sweater 10. Skirt 11. Loafers