Two More Shots-DIGITAL

 Here are two more shots from the shooting we had last year. I think it really depicts the digital world that we live in. 
The shooting went on for several hours and we finished sometime close to 2 am, but I say it was worth it.
The result is spectacular.
You have the other shot here and the making of, here.

Aici aveti inca 2 fotografii rezultate in urma unei sedinte foto de anul trecut. Cred ca intr-adevar reuseste sa contureze lumea digitala care ne inconjoara. Sedinta foto a decurs pe parcursul  a mai multor ore, reusind sa terminam undeva in jurul ore 2 dimineata, dar s-a meritat. 
Rezultatul este spectaculos. 
Aici aveti cealalta fotografie, si aici , making of-ul.
Vizionare placuta!

The team:
Photographer: Sorin Popa
Model: Andreea Isabela
Make-up: Kiaari Andreea
Hair: Pilu Paula, assistent: Raica Ramona
Designer/stylist: Adriana Delia Barar