Perfect Summer Dress

 I don't know about you, but I am still dreaming of the hot summer days spent outside at terraces with my friends or going on trips. 
Here is one of my latest designs, a simple dress, in a candy-colored peach shade and hand painted design on the front. 
I think this is the perfect summer dress that can be worn with sneakers or even heels for a more elegant look.
You can find it here
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Nu stiu despre voi, dar eu tot visez la zilele calduroase de vara petrecute cu prietenele pe la terase, sau in excursii.
Aceasta este una dintre cele mai recente creatii ale mele, o rochie simpla intr-o nuanta pastelata piersica, avand in partea din fata un model pictat manual.
Eu cred ca este rochia perfecta de vara care poate fi purtata cu tenisi sau chiar tocuri inalte pentru o tinua mai eleganta.
O puteti gasi aici
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