
Because many of you sent me emails asking different questions about me, I will  answer them here in a post. I think this is a better way for everyone to see the answers so that the questions wouldn't repeat over and over again. So I hope you will enjoy that post and until thne you still have time to send me questions on my emails:
As for the picture I posted here, it is from an older photoshooting we did with I love the way it turned out, it was probably my first shooting ever.
Hope you like it! Have a great day!

 Pentru ca am  primit multe emailuri de la voi cu intrebari despre mine  m-am gandit ca mai bine voi posta aici si raspunsurile , decat personal la fiecare, ca pe viitor sa nu se tot repete aceleasi intrebari. Sper sa va placa,iar pana atunci mai aveti timp sa trimite intrebarile voastre la adresele mele :
Iar in legatura cu fotografia postata aici. Aceasta este probail prima sedinta foto pe care am avut-o cu, a trecut ceva timp de atunci .Oricum, imi place mult cu a iesit.
Sper sa va placa si voua.
O zi minunata!