The Sioux Chief

Here is a preview of the shooting we had last week. This time we tried to create a stylish native american woman chief. 
Not many people know that probably the  first tribe to use the head piece were  The Sioux.
But not everyone could have the priviledge to wear it, just the most powerful and influential individuals of the tribe.That is probably why we see in old pictures only the indian chief wearing a head piece. The head dress has an important meaning to it. The whole feathery head piece was not completed in one sitting, a new feather was added when the chief, or warrior committed a brave act, so the more feathers he had, the more powerful he was. Women weren't allowed to wear such a spriritual accesorry, so these adornments were just for the men.

Un mic preview al sedintei foto de saptamana trecuta. De data aceasta am incercat sa cream o sefa  a unui trib amerindian foarte cocheta.
Nu multa lume stie ca probabil primii care au folosit acest accesoriu din pene au fost cei din tribul Sioux.
Dar nu toti cei din trib aveau privilegiul de a-l purta, doar cei mai influenti  si mai puternici. Acesta este probabil motivul pentru care in fotografiile vechi vedem doar seful de trib purtand accesoriul din pene care are si o semnificatie interesanta. Acesta nu era facut intr-o singura sedinta, ci de fiecare data cand seful de trib, un luptator sau un alt membru al tribului facea un fapt eroic i se adauga cate o pana. Astfel cu cat avea mai multe pene  cu atat era considerat mai curajos, mai puternic.
 Femeile in schimb nu erau lasate sa poarte acest ornament din pene,fiind erau rezervat doar pentru barbati.

 Photo: Sorin Popa
Model: Ema
Make-up: Kiaari Andreea
Designer/styling: Adriana Delia Barar