Raw Vegan Cranberry and Blackberry Cake

 I have been  trying out new raw vegan recipies these days after I bought Ligia Pop's book. This time I made a cranberry and blackberry cake.
 I mixed two of her recipies and I have to say it turned out delicious. Just like a perfect icy dessert you can get on a hot summer day. 
You should try it too.

Am tot incercat retete noi raw vegan de cand am cumparat cartea Ligie Pop. De aceasta data am facut un tort de merisoare si afine.
Am combinat doua dintre retetele ei si a iesit absolut minunat! Un desert racoros perfect pentru zilele calduroase de vara.
Incercati si voi!

Fashion Fridays- Episode 2

Here is the second part of the Fashion Fridays event hosted by Club No Name .
 Fashion, fun, designers, models, music, the perfect ingredients for a great night!
 I hope I will see you there!

Fashion Fridays revine cu " Episodul 2" din acest sezon la Club No Name.
Moda, distractie, designeri, modele, muzica , ingredientele perfecte pentru o seara reusita! 
Sper ca ne vedem acolo!

And the winner is...

So here is the winner  for the latest giveaway! Congratulations Hurducas Patricia. Please send me an email at designer@badstyle.ro with your name, address, and telephone number so that I cand send you the prize. I hope you will enjoy it!
And for the rest of you, keep you posted with a new giveaway soon! 
Have a great day!

Avem si  castigatoarea celui mai recent concurs. Felicitari Hurducas Patricia! Te rog sa imi trimiti un email la designer@badstyle.ro cu datele tale, nume, adresa, telefon, sa iti pot trimite premiul. Sper sa te bucuri de el!
Cat pentru restul lumii, stati pe aproape ca mai urmeaza concursuri simpatice.
O zi frumoasa!

To Rock or to Roll?

 Taking decisions is probably the hardest thing to do especialy when you have to live with the consequence. But when it comes to fashion, taking decisions should be fun and creative.  High heeled boots are a must have  especially if you pair them with destressed shorts. You can also get a simple, elegant silk dress and give it a more edgy rock look. I picked a skull printed top and added spiked colorful jewelry, a vinyl handbag and aviator sunnies. You can add some elegance to it with a chiffon top or shirt. 
So do you rock or do you roll?

A lua o decizie este probabil cel mai greu lucru in viata mai ales daca va trebui sa si traiesti cu consecintele.
Cand e vorba de moda insa, deciziile vestimentare ar trebui sa fie distractive si creative. 
Bocancii cu top inalt trebuie sa isi gaseasca loc in garderoba voastra, mai ales daca va plac blugii scurti taiati. Ca alternativa, o rochie simpla din matase poate sa va scoata tinuta din anonimat cu o usoara extravaganta.  
Eu am ales un maiou imprimat cu un craniu si am adaugat tinutei multe accesorii colorate si tepi aurii, o geanta din vinyl si ochelari aviator. 
Pentru un plus de eleganta se poate inlocui maioul cu un top de matase sau o camasa.
Ce alegeti?

 Top: New Yorker
Shorts: DIY cut offs
Boots: Mango
 Sunnies: Ray-Ban
Accessories: B.A.D. style
Watch: Calvin Klein

Photos by Veres Krisztian

Giveaway reminder

Don't forget about the GIVEAWAY! It ends tomorrow.

Nu uitati de CONCURS! Se termina maine.

Expozitie de masini de lux la Toronto

Intr-o vineri dimineata cand mergeam spre serviciu, o fata care impartea fluturase mi-a pus in mana unul din acele fluturase atunci cand am trecut pe langa ea. Vorba vine “fluturas”, ca asa ne-am obisnuim sa numim acele hartii care ne sunt inmanate pe strada de oamenii care se ocupa de distribuirea lor; dar de fapt era un catalog de prezentare a unei colectii de masini de lux.

Cand am ajuns la birou, am rasfoit acel catalog, si am aflat ca era vorba de o expozitie de masini deschisa in lobby-ul unui zgarie-nori din centrul Toronto-ului, la cateva minute de locul meu de munca. Expozitia era deschisa in decursul acelei saptamani, iar in acea vineri era ultima sa zi de prezentare. Si m-am gandit, daca tot e ultima zi in care masinile astea frumoase si luxoase sunt expuse acolo, hai sa merg si eu sa le vad.

Am mers la expozitie in timpul pauzei de pranz. Expozitia cuprindea marci americane, europene si asiatice – Lexus, Porsche, Aston Martin, Rolls Royce, Hyundai, Land Rover, Infiniti, Audi, si altele.

Va arat mai jos aceste frumuseti.

Sursa poze: Victoria West

New Goodies

I got these goodies a while ago  but didn't have the time to make this post. I got two make-up kits, but I have to admit the YSl is absolutely perfect! Great shades for my eyecolor. The givenchy is great for summerish looks with a sorbet colored lipgloss and really straight hair. And I also got two nail polishes, Dior Rock coat and OPI  Jade is the new black. I love them both and what is really important for me is that the last long!  What have you bought lately? 
Have a great weekend!

Am cumparat aceste produse acum ceva timp , dar nu am apucat sa le fotografiez. Am ales doua truse de farduri, YSL in nuante pamantii perfect pentru culoarea ochilor mei, si cea de la Givenchy in nuante pastelate care merg de minune cu un gloss sorbet si par drept. Am cumparat si doua noi lacuri de unghii, Dior Rock Coat si OPI Jade is the new black. Imi plac ambele nuante , dar ce este foarte important pentru mine e ca si tin mult.
Voi ce ati cumparat de curand?
Un weekend placut!

Vintage Chanel Handbag

 What do you when you get your mom's vintage chanel handbag??/ Scream for joy! I think this is a treasure that should be given from generation to generation and be kept as a valuable enheritance.
I love the fact that it is very versatile, and not so pretentious, easy to be styled .
 I shared my hapiness with you. now it is your turn.

P.S. Don't forget about the GIVEAWAY!

Ce faci cand primesti geanta Chanel a mamei tale ?? Sari in sus de bucurie, evident! Cred ca o astfel de comoara trebuie sa fie data din generatie in generatie si pastrata ca o mostenire veritabila.
Imi place foarte mult ca e versatila, nu foarte pretentioasa si usor de asortat.
Acum ca v-am impartasit momentul meu de fericire, e randul vostru.

P.S. Nu uitati de CONCURS!