Mixing textures has always been my favorite game. This time I picked a vintage denim vest, white top and fake suede shorts . I used a statement belt to make the outfit a bit more edgy and nude/peach shoes to add some color. A thin belt over the evst and knee high boots could have been another option.
Actualy this is a really versatile outfit that you can accessorize and play with in so many ways.
A great week start for all of you!
Mi-a placut intotdeauna sa ma joc cu texturi. De data aceasta am ales o vesta de blugi vintage, un maieu simplu alb si pantaloni scurti din imitatie de piele .Am folosit o curea lata cu aplicatii metalice pentru a-i da tinutei o nota mai aparte, si pantofi nude/piersica ca si pata de culoare. O curea subtire legata peste vesta si cizme inalte putea fi o alta varianta.
De fapt, aceasta tinuta este extrem de versatila putand si combinata si accesorizata in fel si chip.
Un inceput de saptamana frumos va doresc!
Vest and belt: vintage
Shorts: B.A.D. style
Top: random
Sunnies: Ray-Ban wayfarer
Jewelry: Ebay, Pull and Bear,Asos
Watch: Michael Kors
Shoes: Ebay