I simply adore this make-up! Earthy tones, warm hues and a touch of wet look eyeshadow under the eye, perfect for summer. Kiaari Andreea could give you more info on what shes did here, so if you are interested send her an email . We also did some outdoor shots with jewelry made by me . We wanted to create a color and texture explosion full of energy and fun. Iasmina was absolutely great!
She has beautiful features, a natural smile and perfect hair!
So what do you think?
Imi place foarte mult acest machiaj! Tonuri pamantii , nuante calde si o tusa de fard lucios sub ochii, perfect pentru vara. Kiaari Andreea va poate da mai multe info despre ce a facut aici, asa ca daca va intereseaza ii puteti da un email . Am facut si cateva fotografii afara cu bijuteriile create de mine. Vroiam sa cream o explozie de texturi si culori , plina de energie. Iasmina a fost grozava pentru ca pe langa ca e frumoasa, are un zambet superb si un par perfect!
Voi ce parere aveti de rezultat?
Model: Iasmina
Make-up: Kiaari
Jewelry: B.A.D. style
Photo: Adriana Delia Barar