Making of.. Kiaari Make-up

I had a long day yesterday, no time for posting anything here, sorry for that. Besides the projects I am working on myself, Kiaari started an interesting project aswell. Here is the making of and I will be back with more info  in a few days. 
Have a relaxing weekend!

Am avut o zi lunga ieri si nu am reusit sa postez nimic aici, imi cer scuze pentru asta. Inafara proiectelor personale pe care le-am inceput , Kiaari Andreea a demarat si ea un proiect interesant despre care va voi povestii. Dar pana atunci , v-am pregatit un making of ce ceea ce am facut ieri.
Un weekend relaxant sa aveti!

Model: Lazea Alexandra
Photos by me