My dear friends from everywhere, first of all I would like to welcome you back on my blog, in the New Year 2012! I wish you all the best, and I hope you had lots of fun on the night of the New Year’s Eve!
The international giveaway Best Fashion Magazines of North America, which started on this blog on December 20th 2011, is now closed. Thank you all for entering the contest! It’s the first time when I organized a giveaway contest on my blog, so it’s a totally new territory for me. Giving the fact that it’s a new blogging experience for me, I refrained myself from having high expectations in regards with the participation rate. Indeed, there weren’t too many contestants (less than 10 people), but I have no regrets as to this giveaway, and I intent to organize other giveaways in the future.
As a reminder, the giveaway prize is a collection of 5 fashion magazines from North America – Vogue US, January 2012; Harper’s Bazaar US, December 2011-January 2012; Flare Canada, January 2012; Fashion Canada, Winter 2012; Special edition Vogue US, 2011.
Here’s the list of the contestants (from Romania and Ukraine):
1. Monica Radulescu/OFZ, Bucharest, Romania;
2. Oana/It’s Friday Somewhere, Botosani, Romania;
3. Luiza Olteanu/LuO, Constanta, Romania;
4. Yulia Shenka, Sevastopol, Ukraine;
5. Camellia, Iasi, Romania;
6. Andreea Balaban, Bucharest, Romania;
7. Iulia T./Pixxie, Romania;
8. Irina, Romania.
The winner has been selected randomly, with the help of
The winner is #2, Oana, author of the blog "It's Friday Somewhere", from Botosani, Romania. Congratulations, my dear! Please contact me at within 72 hours, to let me know the mail address where I should send you the prize. I will expect your email by January 4th 2012, 11.59pm, Eastern Standard Time (Toronto time); otherwise I will select another winner.
Have a wonderful year ahead!
Yours truly, Victoria West.
Bine v-am gasit in Noul An 2012! Va doresc ca acest an sa va aduca tot ce e mai bun si sa va indeplineasca toate dorintele. Sper ca ati avut o noapte de Revelion de vis!
Concursul international Giveaway Best Fashion Magazines of North America, pe care l-am deschis pe blog pe data de 20 decembrie 2011, s-a incheiat. Va multumesc tuturor pentru participare! Este prima oara cand am organizat un concurs giveaway pe blogul meu; asadar, a fost un teren total nou pentru mine. Fiind prima mea experienta de acest fel, m-am abtinut sa am asteptari prea mari de la acest giveaway, in privinta participarii. Si intr-adevar, inscrierea la concurs a fost redusa (mai putin de 10 persoane). Dar nu am nici un regret in legatura cu initierea si desfasurarea acestui concurs, iar pe viitor intentionez sa organizez si alte giveaway-uri.
Premiul consta in 5 reviste de moda din America de Nord – Vogue US, ianuarie 2012; Harper’s Bazaar US, decemrbie 2011-ianuarie 2012; Flare Canada, ianuarie 2012; Fashion Canada, iarna 2012; editia speciala Vogue US, 2011.
Iata si lista participantelor (din Romania si Ucraina):
1. Monica Radulescu/OFZ, Bucuresti, Romania;
2. Oana/It’s Friday Somewhere, Botosani, Romania;
3. Luiza Olteanu/LuO, Constanta, Romania;
4. Yulia Shenka, Sevastopol, Ucraina;
5. Camellia, Iasi, Romania;
6. Andreea Balaban, Bucuresti, Romania;
7. Iulia T./Pixxie, Romania;
8. Irina, Romania.
Pentru a selecta castigatoarea (in mod aleatoriu), am folosit
Castigatoarea este #2, Oana din Botosani, Romania, autoarea blogului "It's Friday Somewhere". Felicitari! Draga Oana, te rog sa ma contactezi in urmatoarele 72 ore la adresa de email si sa-mi comunici adresa postala unde sa-ti trimit premiul. Daca nu voi fi contactata pana pe data de 4 ianuarie 2012, ora 11.59pm EST (ora Toronto-ului), voi selecta o alta castigatoare.
Sa aveti parte de un an cat mai bun!
A voastra, Victoria West.
Happy New Year 2012!
My dear friends, it’s the end of the year, again. But it’s not just the end of a year, it’s also the beginning of a new year, new beginnings and new opportunities. All I wish in the New Year is happiness, and I wish the same to all of you.
This year, we’ve decided to spend the New Year’s Eve with our family, in our new home. It’s going to be just the three of us – me, my husband John and our son Alex. It’s been quite a while since we’ve spent the New Year’s Eve within our family; usually, we would spend it with friends, like it happened last year or the years before. But this time around we wanted it to be a little different – just the three of us.
As the Old Year goes away and the New Year approaches, I would like to thank you for all your support, my cherished friends and readers. Thank you for being by my side for all this time, since the beginning of this blog till today. Thank you for coming here every day and sharing your thoughts and feelings with me. Thank you for being my friends and letting me be your friend, and I hope you will be by my side in the next year and years to come.
May all you wishes for the New Year come true, may it bring you all the happiness in the world, may it be a better year than the one before.
Happy New Year!
Yours truly, Victoria West.
Dragii mei prieteni, suntem din nou la un sfarsit de an. Anul Vechi ne paraseste, iar Anul Nou ne bate la usa, cu noi inceputuri si noi sperante. Imi doresc sa am parte de fericire in anul care vine, si va doresc acelasi lucru si voua.
Am decis ca Revelionul din acest an sa-l petrecem in familie – eu, sotul meu John si copilul nostru Alex. Daca in alti ani alegeam sa petrecem noaptea dintre ani alaturi de prietenii nostri, acum este prima oara dupa multi ani in care sarbatorim Revelionul in sanul familiei noastre, in noua noastra casa.
Vreau sa va multumesc tututor ca mi-ati fost alaturi in tot acest timp, din prima zi a acestui blog si pana acum. Va multumesc pentru tot sprinjinul vostru; va multumesc ca in fiecare zi imi impartasiti sentimentele, gandurile si parerile voastre; va multumesc pentru prietenia voastra; si sper sa imi fiti alaturi si in anul si anii care urmeaza.
Va doresc un An Nou fericit si implinirea tuturor dorintelor!
La multi ani!
A voastra, Victoria West.
New Year's Resolutions
- Get on a diet ASAP 2. Workout more3. Get more rest4. Relax more5. Work harder but more efficient6. Give up coffee(NOT)7. Try not to get mad in traffic8. Take more time to spend with my loved ones9. Drink more water10. Have more fun1. Dieta urgent!2. Sa fac mai mult sport3. Sa ma odihnesc mai mult4. Mai multa relaxare5. Sa muncesc mai mult , dar si mai eficient6. Sa renunt la cafea(NU)7. Sa nu ma enervez in traffic8. Sa petrec mai mult timp cu cei pe care ii iubesc9. Sa beau mai multa apa10. Sa ma distrez mai mult
This Year has been great! Although it started bad, at the end it was probably one of the best years.
Traveled a lot, had fun, worked a lot and achieved many goals.
Made new firends and met a lot of interesting people.
Had challenging projects and difficult ones too.
I feel that 2012 is going to be better than the year that passed!
I wish you all the best for the new year.
Thank you all my readers!
Acest an a fost minunat! Deşi a început rău, pe la sfârşit a fost probabil unul dintre cei mai buni ani.
Am călătorit foarte mult, m-am distrat, am muncit mult şi am reusit sa imi ating o parte din teluri.
Mi-am făcut prieteni noi şi am întâlnit o mulţime de oameni interesanţi.
Am avut proiecte interesante dar şi unele dificile.
Simt că 2012 va fi mai bun decât anul care a trecut!
Vă doresc toate cele bune pentru noul an.
Mulţumesc tuturor cititorilor mei!
old picture from 2010 New Year's Eve
New Year's Eve outfit
You still got one day to find the perfect outfit for the New Year's Party.
Here is a styling idea with a silk , handpainteddress dress made by me. You cand find the dress and all the other accessories at Atelier Aiurea.Str Gabroveni, nr 24.
Styling and photo by Atelier Aiurea.
Mai aveti inca o zi sa alegeti tinuta perfecta pentru petrecerea de Revelion.
Aici aveti o propunere cu o rochie creata de mine din matase naturala si pictata manual . O puteti gasi impreuna cu celelalte accesorii, bijuterii si jacheta la Atelier Aiurea , Str Gabroveni, nr 24.
Styling si fotografie-Atelier Aiurea.
B.A.D. style in Sweden
Photos by Anna. Check out her blog. she has an amazing style
B.A.D. style clutch and skirt from Mix and Match collection
B.A.D. style in boutiques
Recently I started another collaboration with a vintage and designer boutique in Bucharest, Atelier Aiurea.
The place has a really fun atmosphere where you can find treasures that you never could imagine. Different style fit for every taste.
Recent, am început o altă colaborare cu un boutique din Bucureşti, Atelier Aiurea.
Aici puteti gasi creatii a unor designeri romani dar si piese vintage extrem de frumoase. Atmosfera magazinului este deosebita, plina de viata si culoare, ca si un cufar plin de comori. Stiluri diferite pentru toate gusturile.
Mai jos aveti adresa si programul magazinului.
Inca mai e timp sa va alegeti tinuta pentru noaptea de Revelion
Str Gabroveni, nr 24 - in curtea interioara a complexului Gabroveni 24
*directia dinspre IC Bratianu, al doilea magazin pe stanga
L - D: 12:00 - 20:00
Tel : 021 311 3318
Mobil: 0733.303.038/0742.125.222
Facebook: Atelier Aiurea
*directia dinspre IC Bratianu, al doilea magazin pe stanga
L - D: 12:00 - 20:00
Tel : 021 311 3318
Mobil: 0733.303.038/0742.125.222
Facebook: Atelier Aiurea
Fotografii-Atelier Aiurea
Photos by Atelier Aiurea
Magazine feature-Sequins
" Avantaje" magazine feature-January 2012 issue.
It seems like my sequins and leather vest has great succes , this being not the first time it is featured for in a shopping report. You can find it here.
Perfect for New Year's Eve party!
Revista "Avantaje" numarul de Ianuarie 2012
Se pare ca vesta din paiete si piele are mare succes fiind deja propusa in rubricile de shopping a mai multor reviste de moda. Daca va grabiti poate o mai gasiti aici.
E perfecta pentru petrecerea Revelion!
Se pare ca vesta din paiete si piele are mare succes fiind deja propusa in rubricile de shopping a mai multor reviste de moda. Daca va grabiti poate o mai gasiti aici.
E perfecta pentru petrecerea Revelion!
Linia Hello Kitty de la Swarovski, colectia de primavara-vara 2012
Va prezentam de curand noua colectie de bijuterii si accesorii Swarovski pentru sezonul de primavara-vara ce urmeaza. Daca urmariti acest blog, precum si blogul meu Tango, ati avut ocazia sa vedeti noile bijuterii Swarovski pentru 2012 (partea I si partea II), precum si linia pentru barbati. Intreaga colectie este foarte numeroasa, cuprinzand mai multe categorii si mini-colectii de bijuterii si accesorii, astfel incat m-am gandit sa v-o prezint pe parcurs, pana cand colectia va fi disponibila in magazine si online, cand va incepe sezonul lor.
Astazi vreau sa va arat linia Hello Kitty de la Swarovski.
Sursa poze: Swarovski
Astazi vreau sa va arat linia Hello Kitty de la Swarovski.
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Charm pentru poseta |
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Poseta |
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Card holder |
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Earphone holder |
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Card holder Glamour |
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Trusa |
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Cercei Chic |
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Inel Chic |
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Bratara Glamour |
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Cercei Glamour |
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Colier Glamour |
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Bratara Lollipop |
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Cercei Lollipop |
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Pandativ Lollipop |
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Colier Sweet |
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Colier Sweet |
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Bratara Sweet |
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Inel Sweet |
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Bratara Valentine |
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Pandativ Valentine |
Sursa poze: Swarovski
Nutty cookies
One of the recipies that I made for Christmas.
These cookies remind me of childhood because mom used to make them every year.
It is a simple yet tasty recipe that you can try any day , not just for Christmas.
Una din retetele facute anul acesta de Craciun.
Cornuletele cu nuca imi aduc aminte de copilarie, cand mama facea in fiecare an de Craciun. Un fel de prajitura foarte usor de facut in orice zi, nu doar de Sarbatori.
All you need is
- 1 margarina de 250 gr
- 150 gr. nuci macinate
- 1 ou intreg
- 4 linguri zahar
- 400 - 420 gr. faina
- 150 gr. nuci macinate
- 1 ou intreg
- 4 linguri zahar
- 400 - 420 gr. faina
(small batch)
-1 margarina 250 gr
-150 grinded nuts
-1 egg
- 4 spoons of sugar
-400-420 gr flour.
(portie mica)
Put all the ingredients together in a bowl and then knead them together with your hands.
Se pun toate ingredientele intr-un bol si se framanta bine.
When it looks like a an even paste, you get a tray spread with some oil and preheat the oven.
Cand se omogenizeaza aluatul , se pregateste o tava cu putin ulei si se preincalzeste cuptorul.
Make small moon shaped cookies and align them on the tray.
Faceti mici cornulete si aranjati-le pe tava.
Bake them until thez are yellowish and hard.
Se lasa la cuptor pana se fac galbui si tari.
When they are ready take, whiten them with powdered sugar.
Cand sunt gata , dati-le prin zahar pudra.

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