DIY Neon Crystal Jewelry

I have seen many DIY tutorials on the web and I thought I would try it myself. As I am not really a fan of crystals this alternative proved to suit me, an edgy yet elegant twist, just perfect for my style. I picked intense, neon matte colors but you can probably go with any other combinations. Follow these steps here and make your own.

Am vazut multe tutoriale pe internet despre cum se pot vopsi gablonturile din cristale si ma gandeam sa incerc si eu. Cum nu sunt un mare fan al cristalelor, aceasta alternativa s-a dovedit potrivita pentru mine. Indrazneatza , dar totusi eleganta, perfecta pentru stilul meu. Am ales culori intense, mate, dar cred ca puteti incerca orice alta varianta in functie de preferinte.
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