Summer Hue

 Here are the final shots taken 2 weekends ago on the field. Our model, designer and make-up artist was Kiaari Andreea.
The dress she wore is from her latest collection which you can admire and order here.
The shooting was fun even if the sun was really burning our skin.
Lazea Alexandra and Veres Krisztian were the assistants for the day.Thank you for the help!
Do you like the result?

Acestea sunt cadrele finale ale sedintei foto n plin camp de acum 2 weekenduri . De data aceasta Kiaari Andreea a fost si model, make-up artist si designerul rochiei. Aceasta face parte din cea mai recenta colectia a ei care poate fi admirata si cumparata de aici.
Sedinta foto a fost distractiva, ca de obicei, dar a trebuit sa ne miscam repede pentru ca soarele era foarte puternic.
Lazea Alexandra si Veres Krisztian au fost asistentii nostrii in acea zi, si le multumesc pentru ajutor.
Va place rezultatul?