Thinking of Spring

 It is -10 C here, and I am really not into getting out of the house, but I have to. I really loved the light here in these pictures, it looked warm, like an early summer sun.  
The pictures were taken a few days ago when it wasn't that cold outside, because today I would be dead by now if I would go out dressed like this.
So I as got tons of work to do, and I really have to get out of the house, I will add 4 layers of clothing, a furry jacket, the ugly but yet cozy UGG boots and a warm scarf. Then heat up the car, play some music and pretend I am going on a trip to  the beach!
If you can't beat the cold , ignore it.
This is weapon.
What's yours?

Sunt -10 grade afara, si chiar nu am chef de ieist afara, dar trebuie.
Mi-a placut mult lumina din aceste fotografii, pare calda, ca un soare de primavara tarzie.
Fotografiile au fost facute acum cateva zile , cand nu era chiar asa frig , pentru ca daca as fi ieist azi imbracata asa , sigur eram moarta de mult.
Si cum am o tona de  treaba de terminat si rezolvat, si trebuie sa ies din casa, voi imbraca 4 straturi de haine, o jacheta imblanita, cele mai urate dar si calduroase cizme UGG si un fular calduros. Apoi dau caldura maxima in masina, muzica buna si voi pretinde ca merg intr-o excursie spre plaja!
Daca nu pot combate frigul, ignora-l!
Aceasta este arma mea.
A ta care e?

New Face Cream

 As I really needed a moisturizing cream today because my last one was empty, I got one at the first glance from a local drug store.
I had to pick between the Nivea Oxygen night cream and Aslavital moisturizing cream with clay, because all the others seem not appropriate for my skin condition. 
Even if I have mixt skin, it really need moisture, especially in the winter, so I really wanted a thick, moisturizing cream. finally I picked the Aslavital cream, that was around 6 euros, nivea was a bit more cheaper.
Anyway I am very curious on how this cream will work for me, and I will keep you posted.
What is your favorite face cream?

 Cum aveam nevoie disperata de o crema hidratanta deoarece cea veche era goala de azi dimineata si nu stiam exact ce sa imi iau, mi-am cumparat azi una de la o farmacie din zona.
Aveam de ales intre Nivea Oxygen crema de noapte si Aslavital cream hidratanta cu argila, pentru ca toate celelalte nu pareau potrivite pentru tenul meu. 
Chiar daca am tenul mixt, el trebuie hidratat bine mai ales iarna, asa ca vroiam o crema chiar grasa, dar potrivita tenului meu.
In final am ales crema hidratanta de ala Aslavital, care a costat aproximativ 24 de lei, nivera totusi putin mai ieftina.
Oricum, sunt foarte curioasa daca ma va ajuta aceasta crema si va voi tine la curent cu impresii pe parcurs.
Ce crema de fata preferati voi?

Photo sourse/sursa foto:

Glamour Feature!

I am so excited that two of my designs have been featured in the February issue of GLAMOUR magazine! It seems the leatehr vest is a hit because it has already been featured in several other magazines and the fur coat is out of stock! It really means so much to me to see people appreciate my work! Thank you all! It made my day!
Hope you started the week as good as I did!
You can find some of my designs on
Happy Shopping!

Sunt foarte entuziasmata deoarece doua din creatiile mele au aparut in numar de Februarie al revistei GLAMOUR. Se pare ca vesta de piele este un hit, deoarece nu este prima data cand apare la rubrica de shopping intr-o revista gloss, iar jacheta de blana nu mai este pe stoc. Inseamna foarte mult pentru mine cand vad ca lumea apreciaza munca mea! Multumesc tuturor!Mi-ati facut ziua mai furmoasa!
Sper ca ati inceput si voi saptamana la fel de bine ca mine!
O parte din creatiile mele pot fi gasite pe
Spor la cumparaturi!

Reia Studio Giveaway – Win a Free Liebeskind Leather Bag

Reia Studio from Toronto is the destination Studio Boutique Agency. Reia Studio services the retail fashion industry withy essential fashion and accessory collections from fashion brands and designers including: Ca Va De Soi, Dennis Merotto, Fred Sabatier, Liebeskind Berlin, Rita D. Jewellery (Rita Doberstein), Tilo Scarves. Also, twice a year, Reia Studio hosts the sample sale of you dreams, featuring designers like Haider Askermann, Stella McCartney, Dries Van Noten, Lanvin, Yves Saint Laurent, Alexander McQueen, Isabel Marant, Miu Miu, CĂ©line, Givenchy, Acne, Michael Kors, and many others.

Reia Studio is organizing a give-away contest, open until February 6th 2012, with a chance to win a free Liebeskind bag. See below for Reia Studio contest rules.

REIA STUDIO: “We are overwhelmed with excitement to welcome Liebeskind Berlin to Reia Studio. What better way to introduce a new brand than with a contest? Win a handmade, naturally treated handbag of your choice. We want you to love Liebeskind as much as we do so we’re giving you a chance to win one of them. Reia Studio proudly brings to you Liebeskind Berlin.

Do you like free things?
Do you like hand-made leather bags?
How about free hand-made leather bags?
If you’ve answered yes to all of the above, then join Reia Studio’s first give-away contest of 2012 (yes, it’s “first”, to indicate that there’ll be more coming).

All you have to do is:
1. Become a follower of this blog.
2. “Like” the blog’s Facebook page.
3. Leave a comment on this post.
4. “Like” Reia Studio on Facebook.
5. Post “I love Liebeskind” on Reia Studio’s Facebook wall.
6. Follow Reia Studio on Twitter.
7. Tweet “I love Liebeskind @ReiaStudio”.
*** These 2 posts will earn you 2 ballots. ***
8. Get as many people as possible to follow steps 1-4 and have them tag you in it.
*** You’ll get an extra ballot per post you’re tagged in. ***

Once the name of the winner will be drawn, she will be able to come to Reia Studio location in Toronto to pick up the prize – a Liebeskind leather bag.

It sounds complicated, but it’s not. Email for further details. Reia Studio will announce the winner on February 6th 2012".

Good luck!

Reia Studio is located at 63 Wingold Avenue, Suite 200A, Toronto, Ontario, M6B 1P5.

Photo credit: Reia Studio

Portuguese Tarts-Jamie Oliver

 As I told you a few days before, I can't stop watching Jamie Oliver's recipies. 
So I decided to try a recipe I saw one one of his episodes of  Jamie's 30 Minute Meals. You can see the clip here
What you need:
 pastry dough, that you can find at any supermaket
cinnamon powder
a muffin  tray
For the filling:
1 egg
1 t-spoon of  sugar
zest of half of orange
200 gr sour cream

First of all, take your pastry dough, roll it, not very thin, about 05.-1 cm thick, and on one side   powder with cinnamon. Use your palms to even the powder all over the dough.

 Dupa cum spuneam acum cateva zile, nu ma oprii din vizionarea episoadelor cu retetele lui Jamie Oliver.
 Astfel intr-o zi am decis sa incerc o reteta vazut intr-unul din episoadele Jamie's 30 Minute Meals.

Puteti vedea clipul aici.
Ce aveti nevoie:
aluat foietaj, se gaseste aproape in orice supermarket
scortisoara pudra
o tava pentru briose
Pentru umplutura:
un ou
o lingurita de zahar
200 gr de smantana

Prima data, luati aluatul, si il intindeti bine, dar nu mai subtire de 0.5- 1 cm, si pudrati pe o parte cu scortisoara. Cu palma intindeti uniform pudra pe toata suprafata dupa care rulati pe o lungime.

Roll it up, and cut it in small chunks of 3-4 cm. 

Rulati si taiat aluatul in bucati de 3-4 cm.

Then take them one at a time , withthe little spiral facing up, and push them down into a small disc.
Prepare the tray, and pre-heat the oven.

Luati fiecare bucata, intoarceti-o cu spirala formata in sus, dupa acre apasati pana se formeaza un disc.
Pregatiti tava si incalziti cuptorul.

Take each disc and put it inside the tray's hole, and drag the margins up to the top, just like wrapping the hole in  pastry.
Do that for all of them, and put them in the oven.

Ia fiecare disc in parte , incercand sa il modelezi sub forma unei cupe, de marimea gaurilor din tava.
Puneti toate cupele formate in tava si bagati la cuptor.

 Meanwhile prepare the filling.
Take the egg, a t-spoon of sugar and the sour cream, mix them together. Add some orange zest and put aside.
Intre timp preparati  crema.
Luati oul, o lingurita de zahar si smantana si amestecati-le bine. pentru un plus de aroma, adaugati coaja de portocala rasa.

After, 15 min, take the tarts out and fill them with up. Then put them in the oven again for another 10 min.

Dupa 15 min, scoateti tartele si umpleti-le cu crema facuta mai devreme.Dupa care revin din nou in cuptor pentru inca 10 min.

Take a pot, some sugar and the orange you got left.
Melt the sugar, add the orange juice and make a caramel.
Pour it while hot on the tarts when they are ready.

Luati o oala,cateva linguri de zahar si o portocala.
Topiti zaharul si adaugati sucul proaspat stors , tine-ti pe foc pana se face caramel.
Turnati siropul cat e fierbinte pe tartele scoase din cuptor.

Fast and tasty! Enjoy.

Rapid si delicios!Pofta buna.

Cupcake Party

 I know I promised yesterday that I would post the surprise, but after the party I was too tired to get the photos and publish them, and I appologize.
So here  are some snapshots from the little cupcake party I hosted yesterday. I also made some special pizza varieties that I  think turned out great.
Colorful cupcakes of different flavours, and yes I don't remember which is which, so it was  like take you luck on and see what it is filled with. Hopefully no one got hurt:P
Good music, giggles, laughter , hot teas and coffees.
I really enjoyed myself, hope that you all did too.
Thank you very much for coming!

Stiu ca am promis ieri ca voi posta surpriza, dar dupa petrecere nu am mai reusit sa scot fotografiile si sa le public pentru ca eram prea obosita, si  imi ecr scuze.
Mai jos sunt cateva instantanee facute aseara la mica petrecere cu prajiturele pe care am gazduit-o.
Pe langa dulciuri, am facut si cateva varietati mai speciale de pizza, care se pare ca au si iesit foarte bine.
Prajiturele colorate de diferite arome, si da, nu mai tin minte care ce aroma are si cu ce sunt umplute asa ca a fost un fel de roata norocului la alegerea lor. Cred ca nimeni nu a fost ranit in urma alegerii:P
Muzica buna, chicoteli, rasete, ceaiuri calde si cafea.
Eu m-am simtit foarte bine, sper ca si voi.
Multumesc foarte frumos ca ati venit!

Sweet Surprise later today!

Hey, I hope you are enjoying your Saturday, because I definetly am! Stay tooned for a sweet surprise later.
Have a great day and smile all the time, that makes life wonderful!

Sper ca va bucurati de ziua de azi, pentru ca eu cu siguranta voi profita de weekend, si nu doar pentru distractie.
Stati pe aproape pentru ca v-am pregatit o surpriza dulce mai tarziu.
O zi minunata sa aveti, si zambiti mereu, acest mic gest face viata mai frumoasa!

Photo: Sorin Popa
Make-up: Kiaari Andreea
Model: Sandra Ursei
Styling: Adriana Delia Barar

Accessity Is Holding a Final Liquidation Sale in Toronto This Month

Toronto, January 2012 – Accessity, a Reia Studio partner and a retail store chain specializing in accessories, is saying good bye and announces a huge closing sale event this month.

Accessity commenced its retail life as Leggings, a retail store specializing in hosiery. In 1980, hosiery was mostly purchased at department stores with little to no service. Leggings was the first free standing store to offer the most amazing selection of hosiery from around the world. More importantly, Leggings consulted and worked with their clientele to offer a service with an accessory never before offered.

After opening three locations, what the company notices that they missed was that personal interaction with their customers. In 1989, Leggings became Accessity and they strove to again offer the most unique, fashion-forward accessories with the best possible service.

September 2010 was a very special month for everyone attached to Accessity, as this was their 30th anniversary.

And now, after more than 30 years of accessory retail, Accessity is closing its doors and is hosting a liquidation sale just in time for Valentine’s Day. The sale event is taking place at Accessity downtown location in Yorkville Toronto, at 136 Cumberland Street, and will close on January 31st 2012. Fashion lovers can shop at a discount price of 50%-80% off the entire inventory, while supplies last.

Press release provided by: Reia Studio

Photo credit: Reia Studio

stuFF Student Film Festival 2012

Introducing the first annual stuFF Student Film Festival 2012 – submissions open February 6, 2012 is Canada’s premier online post-secondary community

Toronto, ON; January 25, 2012 – In search of the next Cronenberg, (WMC) is calling all aspiring student filmmakers, introducing the first annual stuFF Student Film Festival 2012. Submissions will open on February 6, 2012, 9:00am EST, welcoming entries of short films (maximum 15 minutes in length) created by Ontario post-secondary students between the ages of 18 – 35. There is no fee to participate in the festival, an intentional component to ensure all interested students have an equal opportunity to submit. The films will be judged by fellow WMC members through an online portal and Amir Azimi, Canadian premiere filmmaker (who has worked throughout the globe) and Executive Producer of BFP (Brothers on Fire Productions). An exclusively online film festival, WMC will promote the chosen films and announce the winner through their online community (additional details and deadlines to be announced in the coming weeks).

Amir Kendic, founder of, says: “Walk My Campus is devoted to the creation of forums to highlight the vast talent of post-secondary students. stuFF is an ideal platform to share the works of tomorrow’s next great filmmakers with the world!”

Filmmakers can submit projects in the following genre categories; ONE (1) film will be chosen as the winner from any one of the following categories:


Videos and required documentation are available for download and must be submitted by mail to qualify for consideration. The winner of the film festival will be announced on June 4th, 2012 and in addition to peer accolades in this budding community, will win a $1,000.00CDN cash reward and one (1) mentoring session with Brothers on Fire Productions (reviewing the winning video and providing collaborative feedback). In addition, the winner will be invited on set to shadow the Brothers on Fire Production team and obtain hands-on experience. Submissions for the festival will CLOSE on March 20, 2012, 9:00pm EST. For complete info on stuFF and to apply please visit:

Launched in 2011, WMC is the new student “hub” bringing organization, networking, planning, entertainment and of course commerce to a single place that they can call their own from both an Inter-Campus and Intra-Campus perspective. Targeting a core student demographic (male/female 50/50 skew aged 17 – 35), WMC was created to bring together millions of educated, tech savvy young adults by offering a broad spectrum of customized, proprietary web-based tools to network, share, organize, socialize, collaborate, live, shop, showcase their talents and work while attending post-secondary school.

About (WMC)

MISSION STATEMENT – The mission of WMC is to enhance the academic and social experience of college and university students using a flexible and secure online platform where they can network, share, study, learn, earn, organize, socialize, collaborate, create, shop, swap, work and give back.

Service Description

“Our one-stop online community shop connects students across and within campuses, providing a forum where they can indulge their newfound independence in complete privacy. WMC is designed to enhance the busy lives of students by giving them tools and resources to manage their social lives, improve their studies, plan their careers, showcase their talent and just have fun. By combining and expanding on the educational, social, commerce and fun features found on various other websites, WMC provides students with variety, convenience and privacy, all from a single online source.

For more information, please visit and

Press release provided by: HC Consulting

Photo credit: HC Consulting/Walk My Campus

Fashion Magazine Features

 In the February issue of "Unica " magazine some of mine designs  got featured in the shopping section. A fur jacket, a biker leather vest and a sequins and leather  vest. 
You can all find them here. Take advantage of the sales and get your favorite items!
Enjoy shopping.

In numarul de  februarie a revistei "Unica" , cateva creatii personale au fost incluse in propunerile de shopping.
O jacheta de blana, o vesta de motor din piele , si o vesta  cu paiete argintii si piele gri metalizata.
Le puteti gasii aici.
Produsele sunt la reducere acum si puteti sa va cumparati piesele vestimentare mult visate la preturi mici.
Spor la cumparaturi.

Sweet Surprise later today!

Stay close and you will get a sweet surprise! Enjoy your day and smile all the time:D
Stati pe apropae, mai tarziu o sa primiti o supriza dulce. Bucurati-va de ziua de azi si zambiti mereu:D

Photo:Sorin Popa
Make-up: Kiaari Andreea
Model: Sandra Ursei
Styling: Adriana Delia Barar

Everyone Is Talking About Designer Dennis Merotto!

Canadian designer Dennis Merotto, a Reia Studio partner, has been making waves with his Spring Summer 2012 collection, featured at Toronto Fashion Week in October 2011. Magazines, print and online alike, can't seem to get enough of his clean, easy and sophisticated design aesthetic. Here's a selection of what people are loving and saying about Dennis Merotto.

“Dennis used a lot of yellow for this spring 2012 collection in flowing tops, and relaxed bottoms. He took this beaming color and used it to color block some of this season’s most salable pieces. He is one of the only designers who can cut a perfect flowing bias cut frill. Honestly, this collection was impressive and possibly one of the most salable in the Holts runway presentation.”

“Like a back-up singer finally taking centre stage, Dennis Merotto’s time has finally come. After 25 years in the Canadian fashion business, most notably as senior designer for Lida Baday, Merotto has brought his wealth of experience and understanding to his eponymous line, giving women luxurious, chic options for work, travel and play. The overall look is clean, minimalist and expertly tailored, with to-die-for tees, dresses and jackets which, like the designer himself, shine in their subtlety.”

Photo credit: Reia Studio

Exotic Salad

 This is the kind of salad that boosts up your energy level, keeps you healthy but also excites your senses with a sweet, sour, spicy mix of flavours.
Very easy to make, it just takes a few minutes. Perfect for a breakfast or light dinner.
So here is what you need:
Lettuce, rucola, tomatoes,mango, cheese, sprouted mixed seeds, pine nuts , oriental spices and basil, pepper, salt, olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
Cut the tomatoes, mango and cheese in bite size bits. Also, tare the lettuce in smaller bits too, add a handfull of rucola, sprouted seeds and pine nuts.Add salt, pepepr, oriental spice to your taste. A spoon of balsamic vinegar and 3 of olive oil.
Mix them up and you have a lovely salad! Enjoy :D

Aceasta salata poate fi considerata o combinatie energizanta, care te mentine sanatos si iti gadila simturile cu un mix de dulce, acru si condimentat.
Foarte usor de facut, dureaza doar cateva minute. Perfecta ca si mic dejun sau o cina usoara.
Ce aveti nevoie:
Salata, rucola, rosii, mango, branza, seminte incoltite, seminte de pin, condiment oriental, busuioc, piper,sare, ulei de masline, otet balsamic.
Taie rosiile, mango si branza in cubulete, iar salata rupe-o in bucati mai mici. Adauga o mana de rucola, semintele incoltite, semintele de pin. Adauga sare, piper,si condiment oriental dupa gust. O lingur de otet balsamic si 3 linguri de ulei de masline.
Amestecati ingredientele si salata e gata.
Pofta buna!

Fell in love-Jamie Oliver

For several days I can't stop watching him making different dishes.It is absolutely fantastic! 
Simple, yet delicious recipies. It really makes me want to cook all day!A few days ago I made Portugheze paistry,will post the recipe soon.
Have you tried any of his recipies? What do you recommend?

De cateva zile nu pot sa ma opresc din vizionatul retetelor lui Jamie Oliver. E absolut fantastic!
SImple, dar delicioase. Ma provoaca sa gatesc toata ziua! Acum acteva zile am facut tarte portugheze, voi posta reteta curand.
Voi ati incercat vreo reteta? Ce recomandati?

Photos from